Book Reviews

Book Review: Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover was such a great book to review. It’s one of those books that leaves you breathless, swooning, and sobbing all at once. Perfect for YA fans, this Colleen Hoover novel is geared towards a younger audience than most of her books. My advice to you? Pick this book up and start reading. 

Book Information

Beyah has been on her own for as long as she can remember. With an addict mother and a father who only ever sent child support payments, Beyah has learned to make her own way in the world, doing whatever it may take to survive. That drive got her a full ride to college for volleyball that in only two short months will get her out of her terrible situation. So when Beyah’s mother dies of an overdose, she only has one option: go live with her dad for two months before she can leave her old life behind. But when Beyah meets a boy who changes her perspective, and her father and his family aren’t as bad as she thought, she begins to rethink her entire life. And that might just change her future.

Review | Heidi Dischler

Heart Bones was refreshing after finishing Regretting You. I didn’t particularly like Regretting You, so getting the romance back in Heart Bones was amazing. I loved Beyah even through her questionable decision-making. Her relationship with Samson was believable and I rooted for them the whole time. My favorite character? 100% Sarah, no doubt. I identified with her fun-loving, optimistic attitude, so I loved any scene she showed up in.

When the ending came around, the plot twist caught me by surprise (as Colleen Hoover always does). I loved it, to be completely honest, and each decision made after the reveal felt like exactly what needed to happen happened.

Spoilers ahead.

What I mean by the plot twist, of course, was finding out that Samson wasn’t rich and that he was living in houses that other people owned. He’d jump from house to house, but somehow always found a way to repay his unsuspecting landlords. Once he got arrested and everything was revealed, I was seriously hoping that Beyah would choose to stay there for him, yet, in a way, I was hoping that she wouldn’t. Samson was super noble, of course, and wanted her to go achieve everything that she had worked so hard for. Which, of course, made me love him more. With her in law school and him getting out of jail, when they reunited, everything just felt right. The whole entire plot led up to these moments and I would’ve felt cheated had Beyah not gone to college.

Overall, Heart Bones was an extremely fast read for me (I finished it in a few hours), but it was enjoyable the whole way through. As always, Colleen Hoover has expertly woven together her plots, her characters personalities, and the romance of it all. You’ll never see me say no to a Colleen Hoover book that I haven’t read yet.

Source: Audiobook from Audible

"Look at us, two lonely kids who slipped through all the cracks, but then climbed right back up to the top of the world.”

– Colleen Hoover, Heart Bones