Book Reviews

Book Review: Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

A quick, thrilling mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat, check out my full review for Home is Where the Bodies Are below!

Book Information

Beth just witnessed her mother’s last breath, but that isn’t even the worst part. Her mother’s parting words were warning Beth that her father didn’t disappear, and that she shouldn’t trust— But that’s where her mother stops. Who shouldn’t Beth trust? When her siblings finally arrive, she tries to brush off those last words as her mother being too close to death, but when she and her siblings uncover a deadly truth, she has to recognize those last words for what they are. Together, she and her siblings work to find out what happened before it’s too late and one of them end up next….

Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

Review | Heidi Dischler

There are definitely a lot of things I could say about this novel. I loved the length (short books are totally my thing). I loved the characters. I definitely loved the plot. The only thing that I didn’t like is the predictability. I will tell you that from the first three chapters, I was able to guess who legitimately caused this whole family’s pain and suffering, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself. 

This novel alternates through four different point of views (POVs): Beth, Nicole, and Michael—the three siblings; and Laura, their mother. Laura’s chapters are all from the past, and the siblings are present day. Honestly, if this book wasn’t such a fun read, the predictable ending would have ruined it all. 

What makes this book fun, you ask? Well, the plot of this book is phenomenal. Your mother’s dying breath is to tell you that your long-thought-to-have-abandoned-you father didn’t really disappear and that you shouldn’t trust… someone. Already hooks you right there. Then going through old VHS tapes and finding out that your parents hid a dead body? Awesome. This all happens within the first few chapters of the book and you’re just like, give me more please!

The rest of the book is no less thrilling and even though the ending was predictable, it was still so exciting to read. 

Spoilers ahead.

So, yeah. I can’t have been the only one to know that it was Michael. Because just by the cocky attitude and “holier than thou” farce he had going, I already knew he was too easy to hate to be one of the good guys. Kind of reminded me of A Flicker in the Dark to be honest (another mystery novel you should totally check out). 

Overall, this book is a fun mystery that takes “skeletons in the closet” to a whole other level. While predictable, it’s entertaining enough (and short enough) to hold your attention the entire time. 4 out of 5 stars. 

Source: Audiobook from Libby Public Library

(P.S. You can read this book for free by signing up for a free trial of Audible, which gives you two free audiobooks of your choice!)