Book Reviews

Book Review: Murder Road by Simone St. James

Simone St. James’ latest terrifying ghostly mystery is the perfect book to give you all the creepy feelings and the amazing thrills of a scary novel. Check out my full review of Murder Road below!

Book Information

It’s 1995 and April has just married the man of her dreams, Eddie, after years of misfortune in her life. They are on their way to their honeymoon when a wrong turn puts them smack dab in the middle of a murder case and they’re the prime suspects. The longer Eddie and April stay in that small town and learn about the murder that they’re being accused of committing, and the murders that have been plaguing the town for decades, the more they realize that not everything is right with that town, and the mysterious murders might not exactly be committed by something human….

Review | Heidi Dischler

I love Simone St. James. Have I ever mentioned that I love Simone St. James? I’ve read every single one of her books and I’ve loved them all. I definitely loved Murder Road, and I liked it a lot more than her last novel, The Book of Cold Cases. If I had to rank them, I’d say this one is on par with The Sundown Motel, but not as good as The Broken Girls.

This book had the perfect balance of romance, mystery, and horror (as all of her books do). I was actually reading it at night and had to turn the lights on because I was so creeped out. The thing I think I love most, though, is that Simone St. James’ writing style is SO engaging. You feel like you’re actually in the book and I absolutely adore that. 

You’re basically following Eddie and April as they try to figure out who really murdered Rhonda Jean, who is the hitchhiker they tried to save and bring to the hospital. They’re stuck in the small town of Coldlake Falls and soon find out about its ghost who is allegedly the one killing hitchhikers.

With the story itself, following Eddie and April through this wild mystery was so fun and thrilling. I loved seeing their relationship and their secrets as they played out. There were a couple things that I guessed, but sometimes that’s just inevitable. Nothing that really ruined the novel for me, though. 

Now, the only thing I really do want to complain about is the ghost. So, you find out her name later on in the novel, but honestly, she seemed so hateful towards people who she shouldn’t be hateful towards. Like, girl, I get that you’re angry, but killing hitchhikers? It made no sense. It would make more sense to kill people like the person who killed her, but I don’t want to say anymore so I don’t spoil it for anyone else. 

I also thought it was pretty interesting how the murders all took place and what happened after the murders happened. If you’ve read the book, then you know what I’m talking about, but, again, I’ll just leave it at that. 

Overall, this read was absolutely exhilarating and I finished it in two days. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a good scare, loves romance, and loves mysteries. Simone St. James never disappoints!

Source: Audiobook from Audible

(P.S. You can read this book for free by signing up for a free trial of Audible, which gives you two free audiobooks of your choice!)