Book Reviews

Book Review: The Fury by Alex Michaelides

A murder mystery set on a private island, Alex Michaelides’ The Fury isn’t quite what anyone expected I think. Check out my full book review for The Fury below!

Book Information

Narrated by one of the guests on the island when the murder took place, The Fury follows Elliot Chase as he tells the story of what happened the fateful night when Lana Farrar, an ex-movie star, is murdered in cold blood. And he knows exactly who did it, but not everything is what it seems. 

Review | Heidi Dischler

So, I’m not really sure what to say about this novel. I feel like a lot of people can agree with that. While this is marketed as a murder mystery and a thriller, I can’t say that either of those quite fit this novel. In some terms, yes, it’s a murder mystery. In most ways, though, this feels more like a long, drawn out narrative about a narcissistic who is obsessed with the movie star. It’s apparent as soon as you get a few chapters into the book. 

I think the main thing that bothered me was the storytelling style of this novel. It wasn’t interesting. It didn’t feel urgent. It felt like a stroll through the park with someone I didn’t want to talk to but was just being polite…. You get what I mean, right? As with most novels, I felt a duty to finish the novel so I could give it a full honest review. So, while it wasn’t bad per se, I probably wouldn’t have finished it had it not been for my personal duty to finish the novels that I start.

The narrative style was so casual and there were points where the narrator was trying to be omnipotent even though it was technically in first person. To sum it up, it was plain weird at times. Not to mention, there were so many times when the narrative would just trail off that you lost sight completely of what the story was even supposed to be about (which is a murder mystery on an island that the author could’ve probably summed up in a mere fifty pages). 

Spoilers ahead.

So the main premise of the story is that Elliot is obsessed with Lana and finds out Lana’s best friend is sleeping with Lana’s husband. He then devises a plan to make Lana come to the conclusion that her husband was cheating on her own. Once she does find out, they hatch a plan to fake Lana’s death to punish her best friend and her husband. Plot twist: Lana knew about Elliot’s plan in placing evidence of her best friend and husband’s debauchery and is very angry (as she should be), so she gets her best friend to pretend to kill Elliot with a fake gun. That’s about it. You also find out that Elliot spoke with Theo from The Silent Patient

Overall, this was not thrilling and wasn’t really entertaining either in my opinion. I really loved The Silent Patient. I enjoyed The Maidens. But I was thoroughly bored with The Fury. Solid two out of five stars for sure. 

Source: Personal Copy from Book of the Month

(P.S. You can read this book for free by signing up for a free trial of Audible, which gives you two free audiobooks of your choice!)