Book Review: The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
So, today’s review is about The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood. It is the cutest kind of nerdy, the spiciest kind of peppers, and the most adorable kind of love.
Book Information
Olive doesn’t want much in life. She’s not looking for romance or a high-paying career. She simply wants to finish her Ph.D. and answer the one question that has been on her mind since her mother died. But when her best friend, Anh, falls in love with Olive’s ex-boyfriend, Olive has to make sure that Anh knows it’s okay to date him. So, Olive kisses the first person she sees when she notices Anh coming, and he happens to be the well-known ass professor of the biology department, Adam. Olive thinks she’s done for, but when Adam agrees to help her get Anh to date Olive’s ex, Olive begins to think that Adam isn’t as bad as everyone makes him out to be. And maybe—just maybe—she can find love too.
Review | Heidi Dischler
One of the very first things that I heard about this book was about “that” scene. If you don’t know what scene I’m talking about, you probably haven’t read the book (go read the book). If you do know what I’m talking about, why did you not do a better job at warning me??
Now, don’t get confused, I’m not saying that the scene was bad…. I’m just… Yeah. You get all this cutesy innocent romance, then BAM, it goes all Fifty Shades of Grey on you. Be warned and don’t read it in public places (LOL).
So, to get into the characters and plot of the book, there is not much to say except that I loved it. I loved every single minute of this book and all the characters who came with it. It was beautifully written, and you can definitely tell that Hazelwood knows her stuff when it comes to science. I think that is one of the reasons why it’s so popular. You write what you know and the believability comes with it. It felt real. The characters felt real. The emotions felt real. If you read Colleen Hoover and love her romances, read this. Ali Hazelwood’s novel has less “let me go cry myself to sleep now” than Colleen Hoover’s books do, but that’s honestly a good thing when you’re looking for a novel to help you escape and feel all the butterflies.
Spoilers ahead.
Alright. So here we are. The spoilers. Do I want to talk about “that” scene? 100% yes. Like, oh my goodness I was not prepared for it. I loved it, don’t get me wrong, but it sort of comes out of nowhere. I’m not gonna lie, though, when Olive agreed to stay with Adam in his hotel room, I knew it was going to happen (didn’t we all?). I loved how cute they were together and nerdy and overall adorable. It made my heart melt to see how much Adam opened up as a person around Olive. I loved their ability to communicate with one another without having arguments every other second. Olive tells Adam he’s an ass? Adam explains why people think he is and Olive eventually agrees that while he needs to be forward with his grads, he doesn’t have to say it in a demeaning way. Communication is so important in relationships, and I loved how well they communicated.
I know a lot of people said Olive acted childish throughout the novel, but I’m honestly of the opinion that her personality is very common and not childish at all. When it comes to being childish, Olive only threw one temper tantrum and eventually talked it out with Adam. I think she was more childlike than childish and there’s a huge difference between the two. I often act childlike because it makes me feel young and full of energy (I have many cousins and siblings, so dancing around singing Disney songs is definitely my thing).
Overall, this book was right up my alley just like I knew it would be from the way people have been talking about it. Romance and drama will always be my go-to books, so it was so easy to fall in love with everything that this book encompasses. It doesn’t hurt either that Ali Hazelwood is an amazing writer 😉
Source: Personal Copy