Book Reviews

Book Review: The Marriage Sabbatical by Lian Dolan

Lian Dolan’s The Marriage Sabbatical is a light-hearted and fun adventure through marriage, reminding us that ultimately, all we truly long for is connection. Check out my full review of The Marriage Sabbatical below!

Book Information

Jason and Nicole haven’t ever truly had problems in their marriage. Except when Nicole tells Jason that she doesn’t want to go on a year long trip traveling across South America with him. Nicole couldn’t think of anything worse. So to sway her husband to let her spend a year in Santa Fe, she proposes the idea that their neighbors presented to them: as long as they’re more than 500 miles apart, they can sleep with whomever they want without any consequences. Nicole has no desire to sleep with anyone else, she just wants to go to that class in Santa Fe. But as the days, weeks, and months pass, Jason and Nicole wonder what the other is doing and if their marriage will survive the sabbatical. 


Review | Heidi Dischler

To start off, the premise for this book is pretty darn interesting. That’s one of the main reasons I decided to read it, and I definitely enjoyed a lot about this book! However, there are a few things that kind of irked me that I’ll get into a little more in the spoilers after the spoiler free review. 

The beginning of this book took off right away. The dinner with the “swingers” who tell Nicole and Jason about the 500 mile rule (which is basically a rule saying that if you are more than 500 miles apart, you can sleep with whoever you want) are is laughable, so you already know that the neighbors’ decisions obviously aren’t that sound. I think the part about that whole mess that was the most relatable was when Nicole told Jason they could try out the 500 mile rule solely because she didn’t want to go on the sabbatical with him. You could obviously tell, too, that it wasn’t because she didn’t love him. It was simply because she didn’t want to go trekking around South America. 

Once they actually go on sabbatical separately (Nicole in Santa Fe and Jason in South America), you get a lot from them as a couple even though they’re not together. You get many moments from the past between them. You get their thoughts and longings for each other. I really like the way you could feel how, even though they had the 500 mile rule in place, they still missed each other. 

From there, the book is just giving you glimpses of Jason and Nicole’s lives apart from each other. It isn’t thrilling or even super interesting, but it was very easy to read without feeling taxed by the story. 

Spoilers ahead.

Okay, so here’s a few things I disliked about the book. I, foolishly in my naive and romantic heart, hoped that neither Jason nor Nicole would partake in the 500 mile rule. I hoped they’d stay faithful without ever really having to think about it. Like I said, my poor, romantic, naive heart. This is obviously not a story flaw at all, just my personal preferences. The main thing that I didn’t like that has to do with the story is how neatly everything wrapped up at the end. I actually suggested to my book club that they read this book, and many of them did. The one thing I heard more often that not? The ending was too easy. Many people would want to know what the other spouse did while on sabbatical. Many people (including myself) would be stuck in the “what ifs” of the sabbatical and be self conscious about it forever. The fact that Jason and Nicole were able to keep going without a second thought of who the other slept with is kind of insane in my opinion because I know I’d just be running circles in my thoughts. 

Overall, The Marriage Sabbatical is an easy-to-read, relaxed, and romantic novel. Its premise is extremely unique and the characters are honestly so relatable and real. The only thing I really didn’t like was the neat, wrapped up in a bow, ending, but that’s just my personal opinion. 

Source: Free Copy in Exchange from Wunderkind PR for Honest Review

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