Book Reviews

Book Review: Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score

The last book in the Knockemout series, Lucy Score’s Things We Left Behind was so fun to review and a welcomed relief after the last novel, Things We Hide From the Light. Check out my full review for Things We Left Behind below!

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Book Information

Sloane and Lucien have never gotten along. Or, at least, that’s what everyone thought. The truth is a little more complicated. Complicated as in they were childhood best friends, and then…. 

Sloane knows one thing, though: she will NEVER fall in love with Lucien. The man, after all, is insufferable. Lucien, likewise, tells Sloane that he never wants to be around her. So no problem there. Except until they both agree to take their relationship to the benefits status, just without the friends part. But when both of them start getting feelings for the other, neither knows what to do or how to heal from their complicated past. 

Review | Heidi Dischler

Thank goodness. I mean, THANK GOODNESS this book was way better than Things We Hide From the Light. Not on Things We Never Got Over‘s level, but still pretty dang good. I think what saved this book is the past between Lucien and Sloane and the actual plot. I felt like Lena and Nash’s story just never had any real plot, which really irked me.

Okay, so what did I love about this novel? I loved the characters (ten out of ten), I loved the story itself, I liked the plot (can’t say I loved because it was still kind of all over the place). With the plot specifically, I just felt like there was way too much going on. However, I’m gonna let that slide because this book was just pure entertainment. The only thing I really have against anything else is there were a couple times in the book where Sloane acted out of character (like the office scene where she saunters out after being caught with Lucien, freaking out, mind you, and then acts flirtatious right after). Other than that, I seriously enjoyed this book. 

Spoilers ahead.

While there’s not much I want to talk about in the spoilers, I will say that I loved how Sloane stuck up for Lucien in front of his mom, but I didn’t really like how either of them treated his mother. Yes, there comes a point where you need to stop acting like a victim and become a survivor (loved that line by the way), but there still needs to be compassion for what she experienced. 

With Lucien’s mom’s story, I really wish we would’ve gotten a little more. I feel like Lucy Score did Lucien’s mother an injustice. Yes, his mother was dating Anthony Hugo, but jeez, couldn’t she have had some sort of happy ending? Also, the Anthony Hugo plot line was way too easy to overcome in my opinion, but hey, that’s just me. 

Another thing, I legitimately laughed out loud when I got to the proposal scene with Nash and Knox hiding and videoing/playing music. It was pure gold. 

Overall, this was definitely a great addition and conclusion to the series. I loved Sloane and Lucien and their general distaste/love for each other and I rooted for them the whole time. Amazing characters and an entertaining story, I’m happy to say that I’ve put the Knockemout series away on a happy note. 

Source: Personal Copy

(P.S. You can read this book for free by signing up for a free trial of Audible, which gives you two free audiobooks of your choice!)

“Congratulations, where can I send your gold star?”

– Lucy Score, Things We Left Behind