Book Reviews

Book Review: Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood

Am I trying to binge read all of Ali Hazelwood’s work? Yes, I am. So a review for Under One Roof is no exception for me. And I only have one of her short stories left before I’m all caught up on everything she’s ever written creatively. Just a little tidbit about this one, I liked it WAY more than Below Zero

Book Information

Mara’s favorite person ever just died, her mentor in college. The thing that Mara expected the least was for her mentor to leave her a house… that’s already occupied by a very broody and temperamental lawyer.

Liam is tall, dark, and well, handsome. He works for a corporation that Mara hates, so their enemy status comes before she can even try to make him like her. However, he keeps offering her ridiculous amounts of money to sell her share of the house to him. 

As Mara refuses to budge and her and Liam find some sort of truce, an unlikely friendship forms, and maybe, even, something more than friendship. 

Review | Heidi Dischler

So, this won’t be a long review solely based on the fact that this was a very short novella. I listened to it for one of my two hour drives, and then it was over. But that’s definitely not a bad thing. 

I absolutely loved Mara and Liam’s relationship and the tension between them. I thought it was really well written and was so glad that the enemies portion of this novella wasn’t as drawn out as the last one. While you still get the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope that always seems to follow Ali Hazelwood, this time you also get a lawyer (even if he is the exact same manifestation of all Hazelwood’s other male leads – ex. Large. So Large). 

I think what made this one different for me from the other stories is that it was mainly told in the setting of their house, which I really enjoyed. Liam wasn’t into STEM, so you get a little diversity there, which is a bonus. Mara was also especially cute in a Disney-loving-wants-everyone-to-get-along sort of way, so I really adored that. 

Overall, though, I think that Ali Hazelwood fans will get their fill by reading this novella. It definitely fixed my romance needs and, of course, you get the obligatory steamy scene mixed in. Which is always a plus in my opinion 😉

Source: Audiobook from Overdrive Public Library

“Okay, this train of thought needs to crash right now.”

– Ali Hazelwood, Under One Roof