Words We Never Say

“A magnetic story that builds with emotion and drama.” – Readers’ Favorite

Fans of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s “If There’s No Tomorrow” and Amber Smith’s “The Way I Used to Be” will enjoy this heartfelt story detailing the overwhelming weight of grief, but the remarkable healing power of forgiveness.

Emery McQuain doesn’t have a perfect life: she’s not sure if she loves her boyfriend (who definitely loves her), Emery doesn’t know what she wants to do in college (which is only three months away), and her mother is acting depressed for reasons Emery can’t even begin to understand. One thing is for sure, though: she’s profoundly happy despite everything else that is going on. That is, until she, her mother, and younger brother get in a hit-and-run accident that kills everyone except Emery and the driver who left them there to die. Now, plagued by nightmares of the crash, Emery has to learn how to be happy again. But with a father who wishes his wife were alive instead, it may be a little harder than she expected. Until she meets Grayson.

Grayson lost his mother—he knows what it feels like to be alone—and he just might be the only person who understands Emery. When they grow closer, Emery is sure that she can heal and be happy again, but she can’t help but feel like something isn’t right. As her nightmares continue to haunt her, Emery has to wonder: is Grayson really helping her heal? Or is there something inside of her that can’t ever be fixed?