Book Review Policy
I’m currently OPEN for review requests!
One of my favorite things about writing for my blog is reviewing books. I read A LOT, so book reviews are an easy way for me to get content onto my blog. With that being said, I do accept books for review from publishers and authors. You’ll find all my preferences below on which books I tend to read and the way that I read them! You can also check out my blog with my bookish posts, book reviews, and other posts to see if my review style is what you like and if my preferences match your book.
What I Read:
In order of what I read most to what I read the least.
- YA
- Romance
- Contemporary Fiction
- Mysteries
- Literary Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Poetry
- Nonfiction (but rarely. Think When Breath Becomes Air).
What I Do Not Read:
- Cookbooks
- Essays
- Short Stories
- Action/Adventure
- Thrillers
- Middle Grade
- Horror
- Sci-Fi/Fantasy
- Erotica
Formats I Accept:
I accept a wide range of formats, but prefer audiobooks the most. Because I am a working mom, audiobooks are the easiest for me to read and finish in a timely manner. This will also help me get a review posted quicker. If I do get an audiobook file from you, I would also love to have a hard copy of your book for picture purposes when I post on my social media platforms about my review (they’re so much more aesthetically pleasing in a picture instead of an audiobook cover on my phone). Although, it isn’t mandatory for you to send me both formats, just a preference 🙂
The full list of formats I accept from most wanted to least is below:
- Audiobooks
- Hard copies
- ARCs/Galleys
Where I Post Reviews:
I literally cross-post my reviews like nobody’s business. If I really liked your novel or think that it’ll be an especially popular book review on my blog, you’ll even get a video dedicated to your book review. Below are the sites where my reviews are posted:
- My Blog
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- BookBub
- Youtube (if I really liked your novel or think it will do well on my blog).
Things to Keep in Mind:
- If you have a book that needs to be reviewed and it’s not on one of my listed genres of what I like (and it’s not a part of what I don’t like), you are more than welcome to email me and I’ll offer to review it at my discretion.
- I cannot review every book that I receive, and when I do review books, my blog schedule stays at one post a week. If your book is an upcoming release and I decide to read it, please mention in your request whether or not you’d like my book review to be posted the week of the book’s release, or the week before. ARC novels will receive priority in when they’re posted.
- I will still post your book review even if I didn’t like the book. However, I absolutely hate bashing authors just because I don’t like one book. I will still keep the review as professional as possible and I have never posted a review that didn’t have at least one good thing to say about the novel.
- I am absolutely willing to participate in author interviews, giveaways, etc. These, however, will also only be accepted at my discretion depending on my current workload.
How to Contact Me:
Please email me at admin(at)heididischler(dot)com or got to my contact form here. Your request must include a cover image, synopsis, and link to your book on either Amazon or Goodreads. I will do my best to respond to anyone contacting me about a book review. However, please assume that if I haven’t responded within two weeks, I will not be accepting your book for review.