Movie Reviews

Movie Review: On Fire (2023)

With the way things are going right now with natural disasters, this is the perfect movie to make you absolutely terrified of the ones that come close to home. Check out my full review of On Fire below!

Movie Blurb

When a wildfire plagues their town, a father (Peter Facinelli), his pregnant wife (Fiona Dourif), and their son (Asher Angel) must do their best to survive in a disaster that is sure to change their lives forever. 

on fire 2023 movie review

Review | Heidi Dischler

A seriously nail-biting experience. On Fire is one of those disaster movies that I just love where the whole damn thing is people trying to survive. I know some people don’t like movies like this, but man do they put me on the edge of my seat the whole entire time. I think I held my breath a little too much for this movie! 

Basically the whole movie is following this family as they get trapped in the forest while a wildfire is spreading all around them. There are a few pretty harrowing scenes that can be quite disturbing, so watch with caution. However, as a whole, this movie doesn’t end too darkly. 

Peter Facinelli as the dad was great (even though I definitely thought of Twilight immediately after I saw him… haha). I also absolutely loved the 911 dispatcher (Ashlei Foushee), and it was great how it showed that even though these disasters weren’t about her, she was still struggling. All of our struggles are valid even if other people are struggling more. 

The only thing that bugged me about this movie was the music. It felt a little too obnoxious at points (like when the son was running in the beginning on the track and at the end). That upbeat music kind of ruined the mood for me and took me out of the movie. The other music besides this was fine, so I don’t know how it got so… off? I’m not sure what the right word would be for that. 

Overall, though, I enjoyed this movie and will add it to the list of my disaster movies if I ever need something to get my blood pressure up 😂. If you’re looking for another movie with the same vibes (aka about to die in a forest fire), you can check out Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime