Movie Reviews

Movie Review: Run Hide Fight (2020)

With the tragic events that happen often in our current climate, Run Hide Fight highlights a scenario of a school shooting that is particularly heinous but that also reveals failings in our own systems that should be keeping people safe in these situations. Check out my full review for Run Hide Fight below!

Movie Blurb

Zoe Hull (Isabel May) is just ready to get out: out of her town, out of high school, and out of a place that only reminds her of the tragedy that happened to her family. But when her high school is attacked by students with guns, Zoe must decide whether she will run, hide, or fight. She chooses to fight no matter what it takes. 

run hide fight movie review

Review | Heidi Dischler

Run Hide Fight actually came out in 2020 (I seriously thought this was a new release because of how often I saw ads about it), but the ads obviously worked because I just finished watching it. It was directed by Kyle Rankin, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie. Isabel May as Zoe Hull was phenomenal. Her acting was probably the highlight of this whole entire movie. The other actress who I really enjoyed watching (though she didn’t get much screen time) was Catherine Davis who played Anna Jelick, one of the shooters.

Many times, this movie definitely felt like it was trying to push an agenda rather than actually pushing the agenda to its audiences (I’m not even sure if that makes sense to be honest). Like, you could feel that they wanted you to hate the system for the protocols that they have in place for school shootings, but I never actually got to the point where I was like, “Oh, the system is the problem,” which is what I think they wanted. There are other things that kind of felt seriously unlikely, but I’ll talk about them more in the spoilers below.

If you want a reason to watch this movie, I seriously found it enjoyable, just don’t overanalyze everything, which I think is the critics’ problem but who am I to judge…. It’s thrilling, makes you want to bite your nails at times, and has moments where you’re just proud that people risk so much to take care of others. If you like action films that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole entire time, this one is for you. 

Spoilers ahead.

Okay, a few things I wanted to point out that seriously bugged me. Not a single person, a single person, noticed that a white van crashed into the cafeteria???? Not a single person heard the gunshots in the cafeteria??? Was this cafeteria like on another campus because it seems so highly illogical to me that I often couldn’t get past it. Someone show me a layout of this high school please! 

Also, I get that they planted bombs and made a bomb threat in the closest largest city to hold off law enforcement, but would it seriously hold them off that much? Can I have police officers verify this information? Haha because I feel like they could just zip zoom outta there on shoulders and through fields but maybe I watch too many action movies. 

Also also, the dad sniping one of the shooters was really cool but also questionable in terms of “could that really happen?”. Badass dad, just wondering if that’s actually a possibility with that many police officers and SWAT teams around. Where is this supposed parameter people???

Overall, besides a few tiny logistical questions that I have (see above), this was a really heart racing and fun movie to watch. Highly recommend for anyone who wants an action movie with an awesome heroine. 

Where to Watch: DailyWire