
Someone, No One, and Everything In Between

A poem by Heidi Dischler.

I like the fact the I can sing at the top of my lungs and forget.

I like being creative, words drifting methodically from my pen.

Words are beautiful and not to be taken lightly. 

I love mornings or baking cookies from scratch. 

I love how piano music creeps into my senses, the notes sending chills through me.

The music keeps playing. 

I dislike avocados and how they remind me of green mush. 

I dislike that “love at first sight” and “soulmates” are even a thing. 

Love takes time, growth, and can be found more than once. 

I hate when people break promises or say something they don’t mean.

I hate how celebrities can make money for being idiotic, rash. 

There’s workers who try harder than they ever have. 

I like many things, I love a few, I dislike a lot, I hate, too. 

I like, I love, I dislike, I hate. 

I am someone, no one, and everything in between.