The Best Gifts for a Book Lover
So, I LOVE books. If you’ve followed my blog or seen any video that I’ve made, you know I am a book fanatic. Every time I look up “best gift ideas for book lovers” or something similar, I come up with t-shirts and mugs and bookmarks and totes. Those are all great things and all, but I really don’t know a book lover who would prefer these gifts over something that actually has to do with books. Who best to tell you about Christmas gift ideas and birthday gift ideas for book lover than a book lover herself? Below, I’m going to give you six of my top picks for gifts that any book lover will adore.
Book Embosser
Okay, I’m sure if you’ve watched any of my videos (specifically my book haul videos), you’ve heard me rave about my book embosser. I lend my books out a lot. I love sharing books that I love with other people so that we can talk about them (it’s a huge reason why I’ve started this blog in the first place). What better way to keep track of what books are mine than embossing them with my name? Mine says “From the Library of Heidi Dischler” and I usually emboss the first page of each of my books. That way, when I lend them out, people know that they’re mine and need to be returned. It is literally one of my favorite bookish gifts that I’ve ever gotten.
Audible Subscriptions
I know not everyone is a fan of audiobooks, but, man, when I tell you audiobooks are perfect for the busy bookworm, I mean it. You, of course, have to find the narrators who are engaging and do different voices well, but I’ve never run into an audiobook that I couldn’t finish due to narration. I personally love when someone in my family buys me the 12-month Premium Plus gift membership because that one comes with the Plus Catalog (literally tons of free audiobooks and it’s amazing) plus one credit a month for any audiobook of your choice. You can also get this membership for 1-month, 3-months, or 6-months if you’re not sure if the bookworm you’re giving this to likes audiobooks. Or, you can try an Audible gift that they offer at an annual price. It’s a little more expensive, but you get 12 credits up front. For my birthday this year, I got a Premium Plus gift membership and the annual gift membership with 12 credits up front from two separate people. I couldn’t be happier
Book of the Month Subscription
When I tell you I freaked out when I found out about Book of the Month, I FREAKED out. This is literally one of my favorite subscription boxes. Book of the Month is basically this super popular subscription box for book lovers where you can choose one out of 5-7 books every month that will be shipped to you as a hardcover. I love hardcover books and this subscription has been a fun surprise that just keeps on giving. I find new books to fall in love with, I get to add to my library, and there’s something deeply satisfying about having so many books with the BOTM emblem on the cover. They offer gift subscriptions for 3-months, 6-months, or 12-months. They are a little pricey, but if you know your bookworm loves hardcover books, they’ll love this subscription! My favorite part about it is that if you don’t like one month’s selection of books, you can skip the month and save your credit for a different month.
A Kindle
Almost everyone in my family has a Kindle. My mom stays on hers as soon as she gets off work to when she goes to sleep (if she isn’t crocheting or spending time with us). My brother probably has thousands of books on his Kindle. This gift is something that you really can’t pass up for the book lover in your life. It’s small, easy to travel with, and comes with cool features like highlighting quotes, book marking, and letting you know what percent finished you are with your book. If you don’t see this item on a gift guide for book lovers, then the person writing the article obviously isn’t a book lover themselves.
A Library Card
So, this one may sound a little weird, but if you have a bookworm who is younger and owns a smart phone, getting them signed up for a library card is one of the best things you can do. Why, you ask? Because every public library I’ve ever had a library card with has an online catalog that you can access through your phone. You get the library card, set up your online account, download the app, and login. Viola! You have access to every eBook and audiobook that the library has access to and you get to borrow them for free. The best part? The books automatically return to the library after your hold on the book is over. They usually give me fourteen days for each book, so it’s well worth it and I never have to pay late fees. I’ve read probably 90% of my books through my public library and haven’t spent a cent. Most people don’t know about this awesome feature that public libraries have, so I felt obligated to tell you guys 😊
You can always search for libraries near you on Google!
Gift Cards
I know, I know, no one wants to give someone a gift card for Christmas or a birthday, but you know what? I appreciate gift cards so much. Literally a Barnes and Nobel gift card is my dream come true. Not only do I get to pick out my own books, but I also don’t have to worry about getting given a book that I already have. In my opinion a gift card for Barnes and Nobel, Books-a-Million, or Amazon (their books are super cheap) is the best bet for a bookish gift card.
So, those are my top six gift options for the book lover in your life! If you haven’t found something here that you think will work, there are still tons of options out there. I’ve gotten subscription boxes from Reese’s Book Club where you get to choose one book and a few other feminine items. Another gift option, although unconventional, is to ask your book lover which books they would love to add to their personal library. There is nothing better than getting a stack of books as a gift. Trust me.
As a book lover, what do YOU want people to get you for a gift?
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